Sunday, November 8

Online Class

Hey beautiful people. How are you doing? I hope you guys are doing great. If not, I hope everything will get better soon!

As I've mentioned in my update post, I'm continuing my studies. I'm taking a part time degree at UITM. The part time only requires us to have classes on the weekend. This weekend, which is yesterday and today, is the first two days of my class.  

Since its the CMCO, we can't go to a physical class thus we're having it online. It makes it a little bit awkward because you don't know anyone, you've never see any of them including the lecturer. And I've never even set foot in UITM before (welp actually I lied. I did a long time ago but that besides the point. lol).

But yeah, basically, we are doing our first ever class together virtually. It has its good and bad. The good thing is that me being me, who is an introverted that don't really like meeting new people, bad at small talks, and just generally suck at having to put myself in an open and public, (often confrontational) situation, I don't really need to go through all that, (yet? maybe. Who knows? lol).

Of course, the good things also comes with some flaws. Ain't nobody's perfect right? It is still a tiny bit inconvenient to not have a "face to face" lectures (we did use video calls tho.. again, that beside the point. LOL). This doesn't really affect the subject that focuses more theoretically as it doesn't really have a lot of difference to when you go to an actual physical class and listen to the lectures and looking at slides.

But for the subject which have a practical task or works, it really isn't as great to have it online compared to going to the class and having to see the lecturer showing a demo or drawing. But maybe its just Art and Design student's problem? I don't know. But that's just how I generally thought of. 

All and all, I felt super great. Its so good to be back learning again. I just felt a lot more productive and motivated now that I'm starting to get busy with assignments. I hope I'll be more organized and stay that way. I do have a bullet journal to plan my days and I've also recently did another separate bullet journal specifically for school so that I'm not gonna get confused or anything. Bullet journal is such an awesome way in keeping my life together. Maybe I can blog about bullet journaling? I'll save that for some other day.

I think that's it for now. I hope I could keep up with my blogging grinds. I do love writing especially long paragraphs like this. It's so satisfying to just let your fingers dances on the keyboard and let your mind just keep flowing out. I love that. I really do. 

So yeah, see you whenever on the next blog. I'm sending my love to everyone who's reading this. Thankyou so much for spending your time reading my nonsense. I hope you have a lovely time, stay safe and take care. xo

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