Sunday, November 8

Online Class

Hey beautiful people. How are you doing? I hope you guys are doing great. If not, I hope everything will get better soon!

As I've mentioned in my update post, I'm continuing my studies. I'm taking a part time degree at UITM. The part time only requires us to have classes on the weekend. This weekend, which is yesterday and today, is the first two days of my class.  

Since its the CMCO, we can't go to a physical class thus we're having it online. It makes it a little bit awkward because you don't know anyone, you've never see any of them including the lecturer. And I've never even set foot in UITM before (welp actually I lied. I did a long time ago but that besides the point. lol).

But yeah, basically, we are doing our first ever class together virtually. It has its good and bad. The good thing is that me being me, who is an introverted that don't really like meeting new people, bad at small talks, and just generally suck at having to put myself in an open and public, (often confrontational) situation, I don't really need to go through all that, (yet? maybe. Who knows? lol).

Of course, the good things also comes with some flaws. Ain't nobody's perfect right? It is still a tiny bit inconvenient to not have a "face to face" lectures (we did use video calls tho.. again, that beside the point. LOL). This doesn't really affect the subject that focuses more theoretically as it doesn't really have a lot of difference to when you go to an actual physical class and listen to the lectures and looking at slides.

But for the subject which have a practical task or works, it really isn't as great to have it online compared to going to the class and having to see the lecturer showing a demo or drawing. But maybe its just Art and Design student's problem? I don't know. But that's just how I generally thought of. 

All and all, I felt super great. Its so good to be back learning again. I just felt a lot more productive and motivated now that I'm starting to get busy with assignments. I hope I'll be more organized and stay that way. I do have a bullet journal to plan my days and I've also recently did another separate bullet journal specifically for school so that I'm not gonna get confused or anything. Bullet journal is such an awesome way in keeping my life together. Maybe I can blog about bullet journaling? I'll save that for some other day.

I think that's it for now. I hope I could keep up with my blogging grinds. I do love writing especially long paragraphs like this. It's so satisfying to just let your fingers dances on the keyboard and let your mind just keep flowing out. I love that. I really do. 

So yeah, see you whenever on the next blog. I'm sending my love to everyone who's reading this. Thankyou so much for spending your time reading my nonsense. I hope you have a lovely time, stay safe and take care. xo

Wednesday, October 28

New Pc

Hello everyone. How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine. If not, just know that everything will be alright.

Last post, I talked about building my own PC. I mentioned that I was short on the one and only most important part of the PC which is the Graphic Card. I pretty much can't use the PC until I have the GPU. And I really needed the PC so that I can use it for online class. I cannot afford the patience to use my ancient old laptop. So I am super desperate to get my PC working. 

I decided to go for a secondhand GPU. Oh did I mentioned? I don't have the money to buy a new one. Yes thats one of the biggest reason. I thought to myself, that I should just invest on a good graphic card. But then again, I told that to myself before the second wave of Covid hit. Right now, I don't really have a choice but to find the cheapest, usable GPU I could fine.

So I go to Carousell. I love browsing through Carousell to just window shops for some stuff. You could definitely find a lot of secondhands things there. But you do have to be careful for scammerss. So I found quite a lot of selections. I found one that is cheap (this is very subjective. I'm still a noob in the PC build world so I don't really know the definition of cheap or expensive for used items.) But for me its a steal! Especially in this desperate situation.

So I bought it!

It only took 2 days to ship. I was super excited. I spent the entire evening to install the GPU into my PC. I had to do other stuff that I can't remember. And then I finally think that I'm done and ready to boot the PC for the first time. I was super nervous. What if the PC goes kaboom? But I managed to gather the remaining confidence in myself to press the power button. But instead of it going kaboom, its goes silent....


At this point I was scared but I tried to remained calm. I googled some stuff. I go on Youtube and what not. I tried to make sure that everything is plugged or connected right. And right when I touched this one big cable, my PC turned on! LOL So it was a loose cable! Thank goodness!

After that, I install windows, setting up some other stuffs.. aaaaaaaaand I got myself a new PC!!! Yey!!!So yeah, I'm typing this now on my new PC. It felt like 109 times more faster than my ancient old laptop. I don't know if I'm gonna start streaming soon but here's my page (if anyone even curious lol).

If you guys want help to build your own PC, just contact me lol.

Yes, this is my current set up or should I call it my battlestations??? LOL. But yeah, I'm super proud of myself. It has only been less than 24 hours since I booted for the first time, and it still feels surreal. This is all thanks to my parents, for paying me for  helping them so I could afford all the parts, people on Reddit and a lot of Youtube channels, also my friend Yana who have given me endless support, Thankyou so much! :'D

Thursday, October 22


Hi its me Lina. It has been so long since I last posted here. I don't think anyone even remember this blog. I myself certainly don't lol. 

So, how is everyone doing? If there is a slight chance that anyone's reading this, I hope you are doing fine. But if you're not, its okay. Just know that better days are coming. Just keep on going. Its okay to cry. Just know that you are never alone.

Okay now that we had all the sappy stuff out of the way, the real question is, where did I go? Well, a lot has happened. So I'm gonna make this a little bit easier by dividing it into points. So, here we go..

1. Unmotivated

So I finished my Diploma. Finished my internship. While waiting for my graduation (which for some reason got postponed), I felt super unmotivated. Even after I graduated, I still felt horrible. I did not immediately fine job. I just felt useless. I felt like I've hit rock bottom. I decided to just work with my mom. Doing some boring shit. And just live my life just for the sake of living. 

2. Streaming

I tried streaming. I love games. I especially love the Sims. I love watching gameplays on Youtube (subscribe to Pewdiepie thanks lol). Streaming has been such a huge thing these few years, especially locally at Facebook gaming. I thought maybe I should try. But the thing is, I only had this very old laptop that I got when I first started my diploma. It has been broken several times. Definitely not in a good condition for streaming. But I managed to stream for a few weeks until my laptop decided to die on me. This made me realize that maybe I should invest on a new computer. This bring us to the next point..

3. Building a computer

At first, I thought maybe I should buy a prebuilt computer. I was browsing on Shopee a lot and I saw a lot of prebuilt PC on there. But then I also got myself into PC building community on Reddit. I also started to watch PC building videos on Youtube. Its intriguing. I thought to myself, maybe I can build myself my own PC. After much thoughts and some more Reddit posts, I decided I want to build my own PC. I did a lot of research, with the help of Reddit and Youtube, I compiled a list of PC parts that I needed. And then, the pandemic happens...

4. Pandemic

So, yeah. Its corona time! I should not be joking. But honestly, at this point in time, who wouldn't be out of their mind? So yeah, the pandemic happens. We all had to be quarantine. My mom had to stop her business. I don't have jobs. We only managed to survived with some savings and what not. I know others definitely had it worst. I still have enough food, I still have internet connections. I still have my family with me. So atleast I got that going for me. But I definitely don't have an income. If there is no income that means no money. If I don't have no money that means no saving to but the PC parts that I needed to build so that I can stream.. Its harsh. But that how it is. We still living and thats what matter.

5. Post-quarantine

After 3 months of quarantine, and the covid cases finally declining, we are finally be able to go outside again. We got to continue our business. I could finally start earning some money. I decided to get a braces. My teeth isn't really in a good condition. My two front teeth is like overlapping on top of each other and one of my bottom teeth is super misaligned. I thought if its not now then its be never. I know its going to get worst if don't do anything. So it has been sometimes since I have my braces on, and I could already see the drastic changes and it really makes me feel happy. I also applied for a part time Degree at UITM. Deep inside me, I really do love learning things. And I felt like I really love being busy and doing assignments and tasks. It probably sound weird but thats just how I felt. Eventhough I also love to procrastinate and do stuff last minute. I actually did applied a few times before this, but again I was in a not-so-great situation back then so I don't really take it seriously. But this time I felt super confident to continue my study. I got asked to come for an interview but as the day about to come, ITS CORONA TIME again! 

6. Second wave

So Malaysia hit the second wave of Covid. And we had to be quarantine again. Well, atleast  some part of Malaysia. And I lost my source of income (for the time being hopefully) again. I can't save my money to buy the last PC part. Tho I already assembled all the parts, just excluding the graphic card. As I am writing this now, I have a huge tower of PC right next to my laptop that I cannot yet use because it lack graphic card. Also, everything educational had to be postponed and or continue online. So that means my interview got cancelled. They said that they'll informed me until further notice. 

7. Part time degree

But after a few days of quarantine, I received an email saying that my student status is active. That means that I am a UITM student. So that means, I actually got accepted. My first class which is going to be an online class is on the next month. I really thought that things are going down hill again for me but I guess not yet? lol. 

So thats kinda the gist of what had happened in the past however long that I haven't posted here. Its probably not a lot or not at all interesting to some people but I just felt like I wanted to share it. I know that a lot of people had to go or are going through such a hard time. And I know everyone's struggle are different. I just hope that we can all go through this together. And if we can help one another, even just being kind to others, giving a nice words and wishing good days to people would definitely be super great. 

I'm sending virtual hugs to everyone. I can't promise but I'll see you on the next post, bye! xo